Every half-baked micro-celeb seems to knocking out those video messages these days, so why shouldn’t we grab ourselves a piece of the action?
For just £25, we’ll do a short video message for you, and email you the link.
Here’s what you need to do..
1) Send us £25 via Paypal HERE (preferably switch the payment type from ‘goods and services’ to ‘friends and family’ so we don’t pay a stupid fee - we’re your friends, right? You trust us, yes?)
2) In the ‘add a note’ box under the amount on the Paypal payment page, put the name of the person who the message is for and enter a few details such as interests, hobbies, hometown, birthday, age etc, so that we’ve got something to work with. (including the date of the birthday/occasion if there is one is a good idea too).
3) Sit back and wait - it could take up to seven days for us to do your video so plan ahead.