Every half-baked micro-celeb seems to knocking out those video messages these days, so why shouldn’t we grab ourselves a piece of the action?

For just £25, we’ll do a short video message for you, and email you the link. 

Here’s what you need to do..

1) Send us £25 via Paypal HERE (preferably switch the payment type from ‘goods and services’ to ‘friends and family’ so we don’t pay a stupid fee - we’re your friends, right? You trust us, yes?)

2) In the ‘add a note’ box under the amount on the Paypal payment page, put the name of the person who the message is for and enter a few details such as interests, hobbies, hometown, birthday, age etc, so that we’ve got something to work with. (including the date of the birthday/occasion if there is one is a good idea too).

3) Sit back and wait - it could take up to seven days for us to do your video so plan ahead.


T&Cs (mainly lifted from those other video message sites) : we reserve the right to not send do you a message and refund you if we don’t like the sound of what you’re asking for. No weird stuff.

All videos recorded by us are owned by us. The fee that you pay to request a video is a licence to view and share that video, the ownership belongs to TFTM.

The length of the videos vary and will be smartphone/webcam/Zoom quality. It’s a pair of arseholes swearing at you on a phone, not the latest PS5 game. Also, we may not use all the info you send to us. It’s not ‘Piers Morgan’s Life Stories’ so try to keep it fairly brief.

Videos will only be re-recorded in extreme circumstances - if we do any mispronunciations, that’s just part of the charm.

Once we’ve done your message, we’ll email a link to it to the email address that the Paypal payment came from.